Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I got my apartment in B-more all lined up! YAY! That is a big weight off my shoulders. But I am still waiting on something even bigger: Financial Aid. Yuck.

In other news I spent last night with my “boyfriend”. I watched The Notebook.

And finally, I have a new addiction. Pink Berry. It's so yummy!! I want it ALL the time. Fortunately, and unfortunately, there's one only a couple miles away from my house. Fortunately, and unfortunately, I pass it whenever I get off the freeway to go home.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you've embraced the wonder that is Pinkberry. Yummmm.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

what is pink berry? it sounds naughty.....tee hee....

very exciting about your big move!!!

7:12 AM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

ok, i just looked it up. it looks interesting....

is the green tea flavor good?

i'm not surprised to see there isn't one in SC. they would never make it here. i mean, picture it: toothless bumpkins, wearing hunting vests and camo, being served a dish of green tea soft serve from a place called "pink berry".

yeah. wouldn't exactly work here.

but for the record, i'd try the green tea. with blueberries.

7:19 AM  

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