Thursday, March 29, 2007

Eating the Doctors

Today is my last day at work and it hasn't been sad! It's just been very nice in fact. Yesterday they had cake for me and it was decorated with all the famous (and generally attractive!) TV doctors.

Here's a picture of the graphic on the cake.

They were going to write, "Knock 'em Dead!" on the top of the cake, but going into health care, they thought that might be a little inappropriate. Also, the Southpark character in the middle is me--although my hair is not that color, my head is not that disproportionate (I hope) and I think I dress better.

Since the cake was mine, I got to pick who I wanted to eat first. Even if it was right in the middle of the cake. So I ate Jack (from Lost), and then I ate McDreamy.

What's that you say? What's this about a double entendre? Huh?

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Blogger HB said...

Nothing bad about eating handsome doctors! Hmmm... is this fore shadowing?!?

11:31 AM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said... doc favorite flavor......

i would have picked george. MAN he's hot.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

are you going to med school?

good luck on going back to school!!! i'm sure you are excited. get ready for humidity! (and lots of yummy food!)

7:26 AM  

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