Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Thrill of it All

The other day I was driving through the LBC doing some errands. I was annoyed at the traffic and took a short cut down one of the side roads. I had never been down this stretch of this particular road, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover it was void of people, signals, and stop signs. Which is great. But more importantly, it was one of those roads that has a series of gentle little hills--the kind that give you a little "wee" in your stomach as you peak over the top of each, like a mini roller-coaster. I LOVE driving fast over these kinds of hills. It reminds me of road trips with my family when I was younger. Whenever we approached hills like these my dad would speed up our Dodge van and quickly take us over the peaks. My brother and I, sitting in the back of the van, would put our arms up and laugh at the thrill of it all.

Stumbling upon these hills in the LBC was so fun, unexpected and reminiscent of summer travels from my youth that I couldn't drive away without going back down that stretch again. I drove back and forth a couple of times before heading off to complete the rest of my day. Even after living in the LBC for almost 4 years I am still discovering some of its treasures.

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Blogger joink said...

there's this one bump on the way home from work, and if you're going quite fast (it's right after an intersection.. so you gotta have the green light from aways back and hopefully no traffic) and it feels like you're flying.

i heart that feeling.

12:41 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

There are a couple of fun, smooth bumps on the eastbound 60 Freeway, just past the downtown 10-5-60 interchange. The first is a bump (whee!), and then five seconds later, a smooth little dip (woosh!). When my little bro was learning to drive, I pointed those out. And now he enjoys them like I do!

2:57 PM  

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