Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Family Above All*

Did anyone watch The Black Donnelly's? The new show on NBC Monday nights? It was really good! There's an encore of the pilot this Thursday night at 10 PM. You better watch it, or I'll be sad and then my family will have to come and beat you up. I'm a quarter Irish.


*This title is in reference to the theme and tagline behind the show.

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Blogger Virginia Belle said...

oh, i missed it! i wanted to check it out-- i'm 66% irish. give or take.

glad to hear it's good. i'll try to catch the next episode.

i love watching/reading stories of "my people". sounds cheesy, but i really do identify w/them. the humor, the sadness, the violence, the legends, the drinking

i can't wait for St. Patty's Day!!! we have a really fun, big festival here. (there are a lot of Irishmen here in SC)

7:50 AM  

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