Monday, February 12, 2007

Weekend Recap

On Friday I had my first day of volunteering in the ER of a busy, urban hospital. It was fun! I got to do and see some cool things. Well, I guess "cool" depends on your perspective. The patients might not have used the same word. It's funny--the staff were quick to ignore me and were hesitant to be friendly at first. Many of them didn't even introduce themselves and only did so because I stuck my hand out and said, "Hi, I'm ML, the new volunteer." By the end of my shift though, the two guys I work with most were actively thinking of things to give me and then seemed surprised when my shift was over. Kind of like, "'re going now? But we have x and y for you to do!" In only four hours they were starting to trust and rely on me a little bit. I can't help but wonder if all of this--initially ignoring me, then being distant, then starting to trust and slightly depend--is a pattern related to the nature of their work. Regular crisis management has got to have some sort of side-effects on the way you deal with things.

After volunteering I went to Target to buy toothpaste and conditioner. $100 and two bags full of stuff later, I walked out. I have a love hate relationship with that store. They take so much of my money. Damn them! I do love my new stuff though...

Since 2007 began, I generally do my 5 weekly workouts in the morning. This past Saturday, however, I decided to get stuff done around the house first. And around lunch time something strange happened. I started getting really grumpy and annoyed with everything. For no reason. When I finally did make it to the gym, after a 60 min "Triathlon" workout (20 running, 20 biking, 20 swimming), my sudden and atypical bad mood began to lift. I felt good! As I was sitting in the hot tub and then in the steam room, I realized that perhaps my body is starting to depend on that "feel good" hormone release generated by exercise. I think I am addicted! It's not bad, but it is surprising. And now I am having trouble sticking to the 5X a week schedule. Now I feel compelled to exercise every day. Fortunately, my addiction to being lazy and sleeping in sometimes helps quell that urge.

On Saturday night I went to see my dad's band play. They're getting so good and I liked the restaurant they played at. It was fun hanging with BDP, her momma, and my momma. After that, I met up with the Private and a new friend of hers for drinks. This new friend is in charge of design merchandising at the Apple stores. Given that she works with a company that has it's finger on the pulse of all that is "cool" in technology right now, I wasn't surprised to discover that she is very fashionable and stylish herself. At one point in the evening she said, "You've got great hair! How do you style it?" I was thrilled! This girl, all decked out in clothes bought from expensive boutiques in New York, liked my hair.

I started catching up on my photo albums yesterday. I am very behind. The past couple of years of school-plus-work got in the way of things like this. Last night I was putting in photos from the end of 2004 and beginning of 2005. (See? I'm SO behind!). My goal is to be caught up to date with my albums before I move. That means putting in all the pictures I have already ordered (through the end of summer '05) and then ordering pictures from the Fall of 2005 through now. I'm already overwhelmed. But I shall persevere.

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