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I know it's only Monday, but so far it is a great week. Why you ask? Because the weather is beautiful. This is how it should be in February. In fact, if I were in charge the weather would continue to be like this. Actually, if I were in charge, it would perhaps warm up slightly so that it's about 80 in the day along the beaches and about 70 at night. It would stay this way until mid-September because that is when I start to enjoy colder, Fall-like weather. And then the cold fall/winter weather would remain in effect through January 2nd. At which point, we would return to my ideal spring/summer conditions.
But, I am not in charge. So I need to maximize my enjoyment of this warm weather now. Especially since my left coast time is limited.
Today I enjoyed the day by consuming a salad while eating out in the sun, and then by having some Golden Spoon frozen yogurt, again in the sun. It was glorious.
Of course, part of the reason I am enjoying the day so much might be because life has finally gotten back to good. I am feeling the benefits of 5 weeks of working out, sleeping regularly, eating healthy. Getting into a nursing program helps too. And there are other good things going on. Here are some of them:
1) I discovered how to make the perfect cafe con leche at home. The secret? Filtering cinnamon AND brown sugar with the ground espresso. And then using toasted almond cream. C'est tres parfait! Even the General agrees.
2) My brother is coming home this weekend. CMB has recently filled in as my little brother, with all his annoying neediness. But I am ready for the brother role to go back to my actual brother. TL's neediness is never annoying. It is endearing and precious. (Yes, I am completely wrapped around TL's little finger. He knows it, I know it, it works.)
3) My BFF KM's bachlorette is coming up! I am a co-coordinator of the festivities, and I am pleased to announce all big planning details are complete. It should be lots of fun.
4) I am not hungover today. This may seem like an odd item to include on this list, but if you've known me for sometime, you know that a) I don't get hungover very often and b) when I do, it is severely disabling. I can do nothing but lay around and not move. If I move, I get sick. It's just a fact. On Friday I was hungover for the first time in a long while. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I had a true "disabled-all-day" kind of hangover. So cheers to learning that Thursday night "Weekend Warm-ups" are for warming up the weekend, not killing it.
5) Last night I accidentally watched Pride and Prejudice again (the Keira Knightly version). It was an accident because it was time to go to sleep. Only I didn't feel like sleeping, so I turned on the TV and it was just there. And it had just begun. I planned on watching only a few minutes of it (because the whole thing is recorded on our DVR)....but then I just couldn't stop...until it was 1:30 AM. I really like this version of P&P. I want Darcy to fall madly and hopelessly in love with me. And then announce it while we randomly meet in a field at sunrise. Oh the romance!
But, I am not in charge. So I need to maximize my enjoyment of this warm weather now. Especially since my left coast time is limited.
Today I enjoyed the day by consuming a salad while eating out in the sun, and then by having some Golden Spoon frozen yogurt, again in the sun. It was glorious.
Of course, part of the reason I am enjoying the day so much might be because life has finally gotten back to good. I am feeling the benefits of 5 weeks of working out, sleeping regularly, eating healthy. Getting into a nursing program helps too. And there are other good things going on. Here are some of them:
1) I discovered how to make the perfect cafe con leche at home. The secret? Filtering cinnamon AND brown sugar with the ground espresso. And then using toasted almond cream. C'est tres parfait! Even the General agrees.
2) My brother is coming home this weekend. CMB has recently filled in as my little brother, with all his annoying neediness. But I am ready for the brother role to go back to my actual brother. TL's neediness is never annoying. It is endearing and precious. (Yes, I am completely wrapped around TL's little finger. He knows it, I know it, it works.)
3) My BFF KM's bachlorette is coming up! I am a co-coordinator of the festivities, and I am pleased to announce all big planning details are complete. It should be lots of fun.
4) I am not hungover today. This may seem like an odd item to include on this list, but if you've known me for sometime, you know that a) I don't get hungover very often and b) when I do, it is severely disabling. I can do nothing but lay around and not move. If I move, I get sick. It's just a fact. On Friday I was hungover for the first time in a long while. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I had a true "disabled-all-day" kind of hangover. So cheers to learning that Thursday night "Weekend Warm-ups" are for warming up the weekend, not killing it.
5) Last night I accidentally watched Pride and Prejudice again (the Keira Knightly version). It was an accident because it was time to go to sleep. Only I didn't feel like sleeping, so I turned on the TV and it was just there. And it had just begun. I planned on watching only a few minutes of it (because the whole thing is recorded on our DVR)....but then I just couldn't stop...until it was 1:30 AM. I really like this version of P&P. I want Darcy to fall madly and hopelessly in love with me. And then announce it while we randomly meet in a field at sunrise. Oh the romance!
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