Friday, December 22, 2006

Next Year

Finals are done. I got an A.

I didn't get in to UCSF. I guess 600 people applied for 90 spots. Those are pretty big odds but still, as a perfectionist who designates self-worth on things like this, I am feeling really low. Also, while I have back-up plans, they all require more pre-reqs and waiting until next year to apply.

My drive has lost serious forward-momentum. Have considered giving up.

I am off to Mexico tonight for the holidays. All decision-making postponed until next year.

Feliz Navidad


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give up.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give up.

6:29 AM  
Blogger Y. said...

This too will pass Em. I've never known you not to have drive. You'll find it again. This is just a temporary setback.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Oh, don't give up! Apply again! Apply somewhere else! But never, ever give up!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

i agree w/everyone else. you can do it. as my dad used to tell me, you can always be proud of yourself if you've done the best you can do. that's all anyone can ask.

congrats on the A.

and how nice to go to Mexico for Xmas! do you have family down there?

6:32 AM  

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