Friday, December 15, 2006

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yesterday I went to Disneyland with HB. I normally have classes all day but it's finals time and so schedules are different. I thought spending my day off at the happiest place on earth would be good. And it was. Aside from the usual favorites, we watched the Aladdin musical (which was surprisingly good and professional!). My favorite part was when Aladdin comes strolling in on a big, beautifully decorated elephant and walks through the audience before hitting the stage where he hopes to woo Jasmine as King Ali-ababa. It wasn't a real elephant but I loved this fake one any way (elephants are my favorite animal).

At night, we went on the King Arthur Carousel. I love carousels. Riding one is like an instant dose of childhood happiness. When I was a kid I used to pick out my favorite horses while waiting our turn. It had to be an outside horse so I could wave to my momma as we spun around. When the gates opened, I'd make a mad dash for one of the designated horses. Yesterday, at a mature age of 28, my strategy was no different. I picked my favorites--pointing them out to HB as they were discovered--and stampeded along side the five-year-olds when the gate slide open. You'll be happy to know, I got my favorite horse. And even though my mom wasn't there, I looked out at the crowd and waved a little. I think HB and I were the only adults on the carousel not accompanied by an actual child. Of course, HB was there with me and that was sort of the same thing. It was fun.

The whole park was beautiful and light up and glowing. It was brimming with Christmas and magic. I wish I believed in all that stuff still.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for your comment on my site-- it was like a little ray of sun (esp. because it won't stop raining up here!!). have a great holiday.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a good laugh and brought back memories.

3:57 PM  

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