Friday, December 08, 2006

Around the World

I just had the strangest dinner. I wasn't very hungry (I've had a head-ache for over 24 hours now), and I had nothing to eat at home. But I hadn't eaten much during the day, and I'm going on a Christmas bar-crawl tonight. Thus, food in the belly is necessary.

I ended up going to my favorite, local, gourment (overpriced!) market and bought the following items:

Torta Bread from the Andalucia region of Spain (to dip in the hummus)
A Roll of Sushi
Mini Almond Biscoti

It was a strange combination, but it was great tasting! For a mere $24*, I got to have a little culinary tour of the world!

Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of this headache....

*I say "mere $24" with a hint of sarcasm. The bread alone cost $7! That's the price you pay for laziness...


Blogger sassafras said...

Sometimes those random dinners are the best. That bread sounds tasty.

7:36 AM  

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