Monday, November 20, 2006

What is Good

Just 'cause the last post was kind of a downer...I thought I would point out a few good things happening.

1) My brother comes home tomorrow. I miss him. Here's an adorable photo of him from when he was a kid. He looks like such a little man!

2) I have a date for my company christmas party! This is the first time in the history of me going to company christmas parties that I actually have a date. He is CMB's friend. We'll call him A. I don't actually want to "date" him, but he'll do for the event because he's respectable, nice, intelligent, taller than me, and fun. He's actually a professor at the rival of my alma mater. So I have to hate him just a little bit. But only in a fun way.

3) I had hoped to share three good things (lists are better with three items in them) but maybe there are only the two good things to share.'s a short week this week. That's good. AND, I worked out this morning. That is also good...


Blogger sassafras said...

Way to look on the brighter side. And a date - woo hoo! Even if it's just as friends it's still nice to have someone to go with.

7:54 AM  

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