Tuesday, November 07, 2006


And now I'm grumpy about it.

I didn't sleep at all last night because of all the coughing.

Being sick SUCKS.

I need to remember that better.


Blogger sassafras said...

I do that all the time. I forget how awful it is to be sick. No fun. I hope you're feeling better =)

7:23 AM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

sorry you don't feel well! hope you get better soon.

try my favorite sick meal: chicken noodle soup and a PB&J sandwich. sounds like a weird combo, but it's great.

if you have a sore throat, warm up some milk in the microwave and add some sugar and vanilla extract. it's delicious and soothing.

my mom's standard advice: take a shower. you'll feel better. it works!!!

ok, that's all the sick advice i have. sorry, i don't have kids, so i don't know much else....

12:55 PM  

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