Monday, November 06, 2006

Who Was the Prom Queen?

This weekend was my high school reunion. I wasn't as nervous about it as I thought I would be. When the time actually came to get ready, I was kind of ambivalent to the whole thing. And then when I actually went it was just fun to see everyone again. In some ways it felt like no time had passed. Old friends were like old friends again. In some ways, however, the 10 years were more obvious.

Some Observations:

1) A lot of the people that used to be thin are now fat! Only two people had really lost weight: DJS and myself.

2) A lot of the people who used to be kind of shy are now outgoing.

3) The only people who really came to the reunion were the popular or more outgoing/involved kids.

4) While the original cliques were still kind of there, people were much more mingle-y and social. I spent most of my time talking with a few of the guys who used to be part of the surfer/stoner crowd (they are no longer surfer/stoner guys now). A couple of them hit on me! One of them wanted us to go to a bar with them afterwards and the other gave me his business card so we could get a beer sometime. Neither of these guys remembered/recognized me from 10 years ago though. Interesting...

5) DJS and a couple other people pointed out that most of the girls attending were married, engaged or with serious boyfriends. Seriously. Most of them were attached. Most of the guys, however, were not. In fact not one of the guys I talked to even has a girlfriend. But guess how many girls didn't? Two. TWO. Me and this other girl. Which made me feel like I am LOSING THE RACE.

6) As mentioned in item 1, both DJS and I have lost weight since high school and look better (the opinions of others, not my own). DJS decided that he and I were "big hits" that night. And since we came together we joked with a couple of people that we were engaged or married. The other single girl actually believed us. We tried to tell her we weren't serious but I don't think she really got that we had been joking. She looked confused.

So ignoring the fact that I am the ONLY single girl left in the whole wide world, it was a really fun night. It was great getting in touch with friends I used to be close with and reminiscing on our little high school dramas. We won't be close again but we're all going to get together soon. And it will actually happen because I am in charge of organizing it!

On the way to the reunion, DJS and I were laughing about how he was a little nervous. Suddenly he said, "I'm gonna f*ck the prom queen tonight!" I started laughing even more and said, "That's a great idea! I'll help you! I'll be your wing-woman!" Our laughter subsided slightly when I said, "So....who was the prom queen?" Neither of us remembered. It became our mission that night to at least figure that out. Turns out, the prom queen was glowing and happy and pretty and pregnant with baby #4. And her husband was delightful.

In the end, DJS did not do any prom-queen f*cking.

Other weekend news:

I had a lovely time with my mom on Sunday. We went to tea. It was great mom-daughter time.

I hung out with CMB every day this weekend (walked dogs together Friday, met for lunch Saturday and studied together Sunday afternoon). It was too much. I think I am getting a little tired of him.

I am still sick and slept a lot this weekend. Despite all that sleep I am still exhausted. Also, I lost my voice Saturday night. Not in the hot, raspy kind of way, but in the way where you have no voice at all. On Sunday it was completely gone. Today it's back a little (more in the hot raspy way this time), but we'll see how long it holds before breaking completely.


Blogger Coach Z said...

Was brought to your blog from reading comment on Charming, but singles' blog!
I too am 28 and single and just went to my 10 year reunion...A lot of the same goings on at mine! Prom queen not as pretty anymore though and I was surprised at all the marriges and divorces-yikes already?
I like to read female blogs and try and learn something: spy-ing?

Looking forward to reading more. Nice approach.

5:50 AM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

i am really glad to read this. my reunion will be coming up next year (I was class of '97) and i've been trying to imagine what it will be like. you've given me a good heads up. glad to read that people are more mature.

too funny about the prom queen goal!

and i'm sure i will be representing the RACE LOSING when i go, too. i officially have no single girlfriends from high school anymore.

1:00 PM  

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