Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Crossing Streams

Last night was a surprise party for a friend, CC. He was turning 30 and his long distance girlfriend type person planned it (along with a local friend too). The restaurant was exotic, the appetizers and deserts were fabulous, and the surprises were aplenty! He was surprised by a) the party, b) the new custom surfboard many people chipped in and bought him, and c) his long distance girlfriend type person showing up for the shindig. All the way from NY! He was also surprised by the mix of people. All kinds of different groups of friends were there. I think it kind of overwhelmed him, actually, and right after he walked in and saw the random mix of his friends, he said, "I feel like all my streams are crossing!"

I knew no one at the party but the birthday boy and KA. See, we know CC because we all used to work together. He and I were never the kind of friends who really got to know each others' non-work lives too much. I mean, we hung out a couple of times outside of work for happy hours, parties and the like, but I never met any of the other people in his life. If it weren't for myspace we probably wouldn't have even been invited. Go technology!

KA and I were talking to this lawyer-surfer guy for awhile (we bonded over these heavenly little pecan bars). He was nice and social but he reminded KA of some Frat-type guys we overheard in Vegas one morning talking about their female conquests. The funny thing is that when KA turned to tell me this, she moved in as though she were going to tell me a secret--even putting up her hand to cover her mouth in typical secret-telling fashion--but then proceeded to talk in a normal voice. I'm fairly certain lawyer-surfer guy heard us. He moved away soon after that and didn't come back.

All in all, it was an interesting and fun night. Especially since I don't do anything really "fun" during the week any more. Weekday fun for me now is watching a good TV show while eating a meal of chips and salsa.


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