Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Three Questions

Why don't Mexican places deliver?? WHY?

You know those times when we look extra cute in hopes that a certain guy will notice? Well do you think that certain guy ever knows what we're up to??

The other night I had a dream that my grandparent's house was burning down. No one was there but me, and only I knew it was going to burn down. I couldn't see the fire and I didn't know where it was starting, but I knew, in the way you know things in dreams, that there was a fire and it would burn everything and I had a finite amount of time to remove anything of value (by myself). I didn't know where to start but I accepted my limitations. I knew I'd have to leave the piano that has been in the family for forever. I knew I'd have to leave the Grandfather's clock which I love. I knew it was only going to be small things. To me, the most important things in their house are those things associated with memories. So I immediately thought photos. Then I thought my grandmother's jewelry (she's got a ton). But I don't know where the special jewelry is and the photos are spread all over the house. The best photos (of great-grandparents and of my grandparents as kids) are in their hallway. So I was running through the hallway trying to take pictures off the wall. I knew I couldn't get them all in time so I had to prioritize. It was hard...picking a picture featuring one group of cousins over another. And I felt guilty for the decisions I made. Then I remembered there was an attic and I remember something about my mom having stuff from her childhood up in their attic. It was important and I had to get to it but I had very little time left before the fire was going to consume everything. I didn't know how to get up to the attic, and I kept thinking "I'm not saving things fast enough...we're losing stuff and no one is going to remember what these things meant..." It was very stressful.

So what does this dream mean??


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