Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Photo Clarifications

Just 'cause someone was asking...all the photos I put here on this blog are taken by me (except the ones of Tom Cruise published in Vanity Faire). All the photos on Go Photog Yourself are separated by "contributor." They are either taken by Miss J or by myself (I am known there as "Follow the Frog"). Putting separate entries would make it less easy to differentiate between her pix and mine. And since we'll both be posting on the same topics, it's easier to separate them out that way. I will add some more space between the each photo for drama, and I'll provide info on pix if I think it is relevant. Since this month's posting is about details, I don't think descriptions are necessary. When descriptions are relelvant, I'll be sure to include them as I do on this blog for "Photo of the Week" Posts.

Thanks for your suggestions Wombat. And thanks for checking out the sister blog!

I'm off to help shape the minds of tomorrow.


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