Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Balls Flying at Your Face

My fall semester schedule is starting to feel "normal." The dust is settling. My stomach feels better and I've managed to keep up with the marathon training too (so far). Two meals a week now come from my trusty crock-pot (how ever did I survive not having one?). And aside from the big application looming over my shoulders, life is quieting down. It helps that I managed to clean all my couch slip-covers, making my white sofa a whiter shade of off-white again. Yes, during times of stress, the Virgo in me feels more in control when things around me are in order. Or to borrow a quote from the movie Clueless, "It gives me a sense of control in a world filled with chaos." She was so not clueless.

(SIDEBAR: It was also really funny when one of the characters said that she couldn't participate in any sports where balls fly at her face!)

Now, since my life is not all that interesting at the moment, I wanted to point you all in the direction of someone's life who is. Charming but Single*, a link on the left, has been dating someone she refers to as The Nurse for the past couple of months. I have loved reading about their relationship. And I am very sad to hear where it seems to be going.

If you want to read about a summer romance that seems to be ending in a way all us girls have experienced and will NEVER understand, please check out her blog.

* I don't feel like linking anything. Really, just move the mouse to the left and click on Charming but Single.


Blogger ka said...

i like her blog too, but i only read it from time-to-time...i'll have to check on the latest with the nurse

12:55 PM  

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