I Choose Me
Beverly Hills, 90210 is coming to DVD>
Now we can all live again through Kelly being a slut, then retelling her rape story, then almost getting raped again, then getting burnt, then being a coccaine addict, then having a stalker/crazy person, than having a lesbian friend be in love with her, then becoming a bit bitchy, then being shot in the stomach, then being Dylan's soulmate, then getting engaged to Brandon but not marrying him because...well, I'm still not sure why, but hey, in the end it's really cool to choose yourself.
Now we can all live again through Kelly being a slut, then retelling her rape story, then almost getting raped again, then getting burnt, then being a coccaine addict, then having a stalker/crazy person, than having a lesbian friend be in love with her, then becoming a bit bitchy, then being shot in the stomach, then being Dylan's soulmate, then getting engaged to Brandon but not marrying him because...well, I'm still not sure why, but hey, in the end it's really cool to choose yourself.

now CS's tivo won't be clogged with 90210!!! what will she do....
oh, you forgot that kelly joined a cult sometime around the burn an coke thing....
now that tina's in HB, we'll have to walk over to kelly and donna's house and tell them the good news!
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