Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back to the Future

I was at Disneyland the other day with BDP and we REALLY wanted chocolate covered frozen bananas. It was that time of the evening when people pool in ways that make walking impossible. These people, presumably tourists, gather around main street for the firework show and around the "River of America" for Fantas-not. Factor in over-excited children and strollers and it becomes, for me at least, the unhappiest place on earth. We know about this time of night, and we were doing our best to keep our calm, collect our treats, and get out off there. But the ice cream stand on our way out, near the castle, RAN OUT of frozen bananas.

We asked the kind ice cream man where we could get them.

Overly Enthusiastic Disney "Cast Member": There's a stand in Tomorrowland that might still have some. (pointing across the throngs of people anxiously awaiting the sight of Tinkerbell flying).

ML: "We have to go all the way to the future?!?"


That made me laugh. He liked it too.

When we got to "the future" there were no ice cream carts. They pointed us towards Fantasyland where our fantasies about eating a frozen banana did indeed come true. And lucky us, we got to then loop back through the firecracker crowd again.


Blogger vitamin g said...

omg that's hilarious! "we have to travel to the future" good one! you get the gay stamp of approval on that one. :) ahh disneyland, it's only fun when no one is there, haha!

2:11 PM  

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