Thursday, July 27, 2006

An Unlikely Moment

The other day I ran into H, the older sister of TCN. She was helping the Apartment 1 Guy move out. He was already moved out--she was just taking out the few remaining pieces of trash and shutting the windows. Things have been kind of strange between her and (apt 1 guy). They used to date and then apt 1 guy broke up with her. She wanted more and was sad about it, but he insisted that "She isn't the one." Then for awhile he was dating (read: sleeping) around, but he and H remained good friends. They hung out all the time and occasionally slept together I heard she wasn't handling the situation all that well. Understandably, it was hard seeing (and hearing) him with other girls.

When we bumped into one another the other day, this is the conversation that followed:

ML: So he's all moved out?

H: Yeah...I'm just closing it all up now.

ML: You keep losing all your men! (This didn't sound as mean in real life. TCN just moved away too. And since I said it with a little smile and laugh that means my intentions were friendly!).

H: (laughs) I know!

ML: Well maybe someone really great will move in now.

H: Yeah, only this time I won't get involved with them.

I really wanted to respond with: "Yeah, me too"

There was a whole moment, a distinct pause, in which I had to hold myself back from saying this. I was referring to her brother of course, and they were close and her loyalties are with him. To imply that I regret anything about us might be in poor taste.

I ended up not doing anything but giving a small chuckle and nodding. Part of me thinks she got all that wasn't said. But maybe she didn't. Either way, I feel like somehow in that moment we understood something about each other.

And then I went into my apartment, and she went back to hers.


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