Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Photos of the Week (from a long time ago)

I'm way overdue for "Photos of the Week." These are from when I went wine tasting with KM in March. (There's a real, new post below all these photos, BTW. I did a back to back posting last night).

Champagne (we also did some champagne tasting).

The next few pictures are from vineyards as we drove through Sonoma and Napa (so some of them are a bit blurry at the bottom). It was an overcast rainy day, but sometimes that made the lighting really nice for photos.

This first one looks like a painting to me.

The mustard seed was blooming.


Blogger Eva said...

i love how the clouds look in the first one. i bet it was really nice're right, it does look like a painting. :)

7:43 PM  

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