Once Bitten...
Something bit me last night. I don't know what it was but it left a LARGE and VERY ITCHY bite on my back. It looks like this:
To gain some perspective, the brown stuff is the bottom of my hair and the bite sits just above my bathing suit tan line. You can see the edge of my left hand coming around from the side (it was strategically placed across my chest to hide any potential views of my lovely lady lumps).
I don't know about you, but I think this bite seems bigger than what comes from a mosquito. Which means the culprit is probably a spider. And I just don't like to think that a spider could have been crawling on me without me knowing it.
Well, I don't like to think of a spider crawling on me at all.
To avoid what recently happened to the General (she scratched a bite through her jeans so much that she rubbed the skin clear off her leg), I am trying not to scratch it at all. But the problem is it sits right where my bra strap does. So any movement pretty much triggers the histamines kicking it under my skin.

I don't know about you, but I think this bite seems bigger than what comes from a mosquito. Which means the culprit is probably a spider. And I just don't like to think that a spider could have been crawling on me without me knowing it.
Well, I don't like to think of a spider crawling on me at all.
To avoid what recently happened to the General (she scratched a bite through her jeans so much that she rubbed the skin clear off her leg), I am trying not to scratch it at all. But the problem is it sits right where my bra strap does. So any movement pretty much triggers the histamines kicking it under my skin.
Ouch! That looks painful. =(
Ouch! Peppermint oil works really well in healing bug bites and making it less itchy. You can buy some at Whole Foods, if that helps!
holy cow! what gotcha? maybe try calamine lotion (that pink stuff)?
although, by now it's probably all healed up.
you have pretty hair. :)
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