Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Strange Days

It's been a very, very strange week. Things I won't go into here but if you want to know, I'll tell you another time. Shoot me an email or something.

Portland bought his ticket to visit. He's coming on October 20th.

I think it will be fun, but honestly, I have mixed feelings about it too.


Blogger Y. said...

But that's the weekend I'm going up to SF for my marathon - he CAN'T come that weekend! Please tell him to change his plans to accommodate my needs. =)

4:24 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

But that the weekend I'm going to SF for my marathon. He CAN'T come that weekend! Please tell him to change his plans to accommodate my needs. =) (What, the world DOESN'T revolve around me? Hush now.)

4:25 PM  

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