Friday, October 20, 2006

High School Reunion!

I got my 10 year high school reunion thing in the mail today. I was hoping they'd all forgotten we graduated 10 years ago and that there'd be no big event. But they didn't. And I have mixed feelings about it...I will go (and part of me wants to) but I am not looking forward to it. Why? Because I'm not in a relationship. Everything else about my life is good and I am happy to share it with old high school people. I've been successful and there are good things ahead. I even look better than I did in high school (just 'cause I've lost weight). But I am not married and I don't even have a boyfriend. And while so many other people have gained weight and maybe haven't been as successful career-wise, if they have a boyfriend on some level I feel like they've "won." That's totally stupid and illogical, but this is the forum for my stupid and illogical thoughts.

But my AriHOna friend, DS, is going to go with me. He was a good friend through HS and college (and since). We're going to get drunk and laugh and point at the people who were "cool" then but are "uncool" now (Just kidding. Well sort of...we might not point). If I'm not bringing a boyfriend/fiancee/husband with me to this thing, then it seems fitting to go with DS.


Blogger Y. said...

There were tons of people at my HS reunion without significants others (either because they weren't seeing anyone or because the sig others didn't/couldn't come). It turned out to be much less a big deal then I thought it would be.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Buffy said...

Ok. This sounds awful. But we both know it's the truth.

The kind of woman who will 'think down' on you for not having a boyfriend....will be peeved off that you are slimmer when they are fatter...and they'll be so jealous...that everything else will come secondary.

Case in point: While talking to an old school friend of mine last month I commented on the success of another. 'Wow. Can you believe X is a cardiologist. I mean, seriously?'. The reply I got was this: 'Yeah, but to be fair, she's not thin.'

Work that stuff darling. And be all about 'I'll get a man because I want him. Not because you think I need him.'

9:54 PM  
Blogger sassafras said...

This is supposed to be my 10th year reunion as well but I haven't received anything. I don't think we're having one which is OK with me. Last year I went with my boyfriend to his and a lot of people didn't have their SO there. I think you'll be fine!

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg--I completely understand. I didn't want to go to my 10 year HS reunion (which took place about a month ago) becuase I'm not engaged/married and/or have kids. I know it's terrible (and I have other successes in my life too!!) but I was just worried that I wouldn't measure up and therefore spend the night feeling a little depressed.

1:28 PM  

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