Monday, November 06, 2006

Cough, Cough, Grin

My cough/sore-throat illness has turned into a convulsive cough and stuffy nose. It's 8pm and I can barely keep my eyes open. I am actually debating about whether or not I should even try to watch a little more TV downstairs before just giving up and getting into bed. And while I do not like feeling crappy, I will admit that in some crazy way, I enjoy being sick like this. Only because it's not THAT bad and it gives me forced, 100% guilt-free down time.

It's a sad, sad thing when life is so busy that you only REALLY get to relax (for an extended period of time) if you're sick.

Of course, if this lasts more than a day or two longer, I will be very grumpy about not feeling good. I guess this means I'm fickle.


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