Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Piece of Person

I am feeling very confused about CMB lately. We're hanging out a lot. Nothing has happened and I feel 99% confident nothing ever will (I believe we've both put a lot of effort towards establishing our friendship and making sure to not cross lines). But the problem is....he's becoming needier. I noticed that last week. And the bigger problem is, I am becoming needier. I noticed that this week.

He has become "my person." You know, the person you tell things to. The person you communicate with throughout the day. When I was sick last week and going to the doctor, he was the person who called and wanted to know about how I was. Just him and my mom.

And that, I believe, is where the confusion lies: he feels like "mine" but he's not. And I think he thinks of me as "his." And I sort of am. So I'm trying to stop.

But it's hard because he's my person now. And it's nice to have a person. Even if you only get a piece.

Note: I'm just sharing this with ya'll because this is my place to share these things. I am not sad, I'm confused. And I "get" why I feel this way.I am not asking for anyone to console me. And...I'm already looking for a new person. I am hoping Match comes through for me this time!


Blogger Nameless said...

Wow seems to me that you both are becoming to dependant of each other. This will eventually ruin the friendship if it is kept up. Jealosy will soon follow.

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have moments of wanting pieces we can't have; you'll find what you need soon. Peace with your pieces.

9:02 AM  
Blogger sassafras said...

I'm sorry things with CMB are a little confusing right now. It's got to be so hard to be in your situation. I hope Match has some good prospects for you. I met my boyfriend on Match. Good luck!

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... a toast to all dose " Sometime gurls" ....who can relate to dese lines

sometimes i want to go nowhere,
do nothing.

sometimes i discover that love can gather in the strangest places,
but you have to have patience,
and you have to have hope, and
you have to have need"

d best is yet to come ..take care

5:50 AM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

wait...i can't remember why you guys aren't dating....sounds like you have bonded....what's the problem?

i know what you mean about having a "person". that's why i wrote that sad post the other day-- i don't have a person in my life right now. i've been pretty lonely.

sorry you are confused. maybe you two need some space?

5:52 AM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

VB: CMB is married.

10:05 AM  

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