My (Cute!) Big Damn Hero*
I have a big crush on Nathan Fillion. He played the Captain in Serenity and Firefly, For the non Sci-Fi geeks, he was also in that sitcom Two Guys and a Girl (he was one of the guys). I like him because he's funny and quirky and sarcastic. And...he's super cute.
Mr. Fillion is a friend of mine on MySpace. And I email him, periodically, just to tell him his blogs are funny, or to wish him a happy boxing day (he's Canadian). I email, as opposed to comment, because all 9000 of his other friends leave comments. I'm not sure how many emails he gets but I always know he reads mine (MySpace email lets you know when the recipient has read your email). And so email has been my communication method of choice for he and I.
For the heck of it, on Friday night, I sent him this email:
I didn't expect a response. I just did it because.
I was shocked, nay SHOCKED, on Saturday morning when I woke up to this comment from him:

He could have responded to my email by hitting reply, but instead he clicked on my page, scrolled down through pictures of my family and friends, and left a comment declaring publicly that he thought I was cute.
This has sort of made my year. Seriously.
He's single and lives in LA. Maybe I'll ask him out on a date. (I am only 51% serious about this, by the way).
*Big Damn Hero is a reference to a scene/conversation in Firefly.
Mr. Fillion is a friend of mine on MySpace. And I email him, periodically, just to tell him his blogs are funny, or to wish him a happy boxing day (he's Canadian). I email, as opposed to comment, because all 9000 of his other friends leave comments. I'm not sure how many emails he gets but I always know he reads mine (MySpace email lets you know when the recipient has read your email). And so email has been my communication method of choice for he and I.
For the heck of it, on Friday night, I sent him this email:

I didn't expect a response. I just did it because.
I was shocked, nay SHOCKED, on Saturday morning when I woke up to this comment from him:

He could have responded to my email by hitting reply, but instead he clicked on my page, scrolled down through pictures of my family and friends, and left a comment declaring publicly that he thought I was cute.
This has sort of made my year. Seriously.
He's single and lives in LA. Maybe I'll ask him out on a date. (I am only 51% serious about this, by the way).
*Big Damn Hero is a reference to a scene/conversation in Firefly.
You really should ask him on a date! Why not???
He IS super cute. I'm jealous.
Ask him out. What have you got to lose?
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