Friday, June 24, 2005

Maybe I'm Just Easy

The third date went well too. D is very nice and easy to talk to. He's a little shorter than I like but I would probably go out with him again too. This got me thinking...aside from the fact that my hair is now brown, what is so different from last time I did match? Why are the guys better? Why do I actually want to go out on second dates with some of them?

Maybe I'm just easy.

Well, easier. Maybe my expectations have lowered so far down that I have none now. Do they call that desperation??

In any event, none of this matters are all yet because all three of these super great nice guys could pull a "boy" and just not call back ever again. We shall see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like all of them. Good luck! (Crossing fingers, closing eyes, and chanting "No 'boy'. Call back. No 'boy'. Call back. No 'boy'. Call back...")

And as for the hair thing, maybe serious, good guys are attracted to brunettes while partying, player types are attracted to blondes. Just a guess.

Go brunettes!


2:49 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

while partying?

4:20 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

Keeping fingers crossed for you too ML - oh, and love the tatoo. V. cool. =)

5:13 PM  

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