Monday, June 13, 2005

Cartoon Sheep

Cartoon sheep, cartoon sheep, cartoon sheep.


P.S. Apprently, cartoon sheep are a big internet search item. I am including them as the topic of this post to increase the number of non-friend blog readers. Also, I am sitting at a coffee shop trying to do my homework and this seemed like a better idea than taking yet another online human development quiz.

P.S.S. There is a hot coffee shop worker here. I want to give him a note. Help! I have a problem.


Blogger Y. said...

Four people stumbled across my site in their search for cartoon sheep today. It is seriously weird.

You should go talk to him Bobo Babydoll M. =)

9:13 PM  
Blogger kq said...

Babydoll, get it under control! :) If you keep passing notes to every cute barista you see, you'll have to move to a different city for your coffee fixes! You'll Care Bear yourself right out of LBC (that's where you live, right?)! Oh, on a separate note, I started a blog too!

9:13 PM  
Blogger kq said...

woah, scary. Y posted at the exact same time as me...

9:14 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

Yes KQ, I'm stalking you. Check out my comment on your new blog. =)

9:31 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

i was SHOCKED to see four comments at this time of night...and a part of me thought, "NEW people looking for cartoon sheep have posted!"

But KQ and Y are a good second to new people. ;)

You're right....I shoudln't talk to him. This is my back-up coffee shop and my new favorite place to do homework (b/c there are SO many hot guys around. Seriously, there are like 5 guys in the room with me now that I hope comes up and says something to me.) So I must keep our relationship strictly customer-barista. But the customers are up for grabs, right?

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought you'd like to know I stumbled across your blog while looking for cartoon sheep.

Cartoon Sheep Rule!!!!

5:04 AM  

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