Wednesday, June 08, 2005 More fun as a Blonde?

I last did a year ago right after my ex dumped me. In between that stint and this one, my hair changed from blonde to dark brown, and I've lost some weight. The brown looks better on me and any girl will argue that weight-loss is pretty much always a good thing. So all in all, I think I look better now. Maybe not a lot better, but better nonetheless. BUT, I'm getting about a third the amount of hits (emails, winks, profile viewings) that I got a year ago, when I looked worse and was more fat. It's very interesting....

KA pointed out it could be related to the number of Match users right now (WHAT, it might not actually be about me?!?!), but I really think it's the blonde thing. I am very content with my brown hair and have no plans on changing, but I think perhaps blondes do get more attention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I''ll be back. Later :)

9:17 AM  

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