Thursday, June 02, 2005

Side Effects of Mexico

Aside from fabulous memories and a slight tan, I have brought a little something else back from Mexico with me. I have some sort of intenstinal ailment. My stomach is so gurgly and noisy that I couldn't sleep at all last night. Since it has gotten worse and since my lack of appetite has now increased to bits of nasauea, I am going to the doctors today. Yuck. I hate the doctors, but I do want to stop feeling as though my stomach is going to implode...keep your fingers crossed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! I hope it's not bad.

My stomach hasn't been normal either, but I'm not sick. I'm just not feeling 100% - it's to the point where I'd rather not eat and feel good versus eating and feeling ill. I'm not sure if it's alcohol-induced, or from bad food/water, but in either case, it's a great diet.

12:39 PM  

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