Once Upon a Time in Cabo
Once upon a time, four single, mid-twenty-something girls from California decided to go to Cabo San Lucas for Memorial Day Weekend. Y was a fantastic, LA-based hotshot lawyer, so important to her firm that we were not even sure she’d be able to take this vacation. But if she could peel herself away long enough, a vacation would be good for her. Then there was CH--a brilliant PhD student from the Bay Area who was looking forward to spending some quality girlfriend-time, even though she would miss her boyfriend…well, maybe only a little. Next, there’s Babydoll (BD). She was the last to decide on joining the group in Baja. She had recently ended a relationship with a guy who just did not realize what a fantastic person she was, so she was up for having a fabulous, fun-filled summer without him. And finally, myself (ML or the other Babydoll), who was not only looking forward to a fun time with the girls but was also looking forward to celebrating the one year anniversary of being dumped by her dumb ex. And what better way to one-up a dumb ex by having more fun than him? Cabo was the perfect place to do all this.
Aside from one small glitch (Y not getting on her flight—though it was not her fault), the first day of our trip was remarkably smooth. Our flights were all mainly on time, we found each other at the airport easily, we got a taxi and found the hotel without any problems, and we checked in without them questioning the number of people in the room (our reservation was for 2). Our hotel was beautiful and appropriately luxurious. Our room was located feet from the pool (and more importantly the pool bar), and we spent that afternoon eating quesadillas and pina colodas in the sun. In the early evening, we went back o the room, got ready to go out, and waited for Y to arrive. She got in a little late but was ready to go quickly after her arrival. We grabbed a great dinner in Cabo of—get this, quesadillas and mixed drinks—and then we were off. We started in CaboWabo, had about 6 shots of rum each then went to Squid Row where the real Cabo debauchery was. It was a fun night, full of drinking, dancing, laughing, flirting, and meeting boys. We laughed about silly boy challenges we created for each other and at the boys we met and their corresponding nicknames (Greyhound, Anna-from-New-York guy, etc.), then we went back to the hotel around 3:30. Because there was no available Jack in the Box or Rocky Cola Café in sight, we ended the night by raiding the mini bar. And so it was with bellies full of Pringles, M&Ms and Cheese-ums that we drifted off to sleep that first night...basically the perfect Cabo day, right? How could it get any better, you might ask? Well, it does.
So Babydoll met a guy that night. Let’s call him B. He was part of a group she and I had been eyeing for awhile during one part of the night in Squid Row. He had invited all of us to come to a party he and his friends were having the next night. In fact, he gave us this flier for the party:

The party sounded fun—lots of people at a big house in the mountains. Why wouldn’t we go? And so the next morning, we woke up at noon, managed to have a lunch NOT consisting of quesadillas, and lounged around in the sun. The flier said the party started at 6:30 and was a pool party. We planned on being fashionably late (about an hour) and since we weren’t up for any of this pool non-sense—being girls who planned on going out after the party, swimming there just didn’t fit in with our schedule—we started getting ready about 6:30 or so. But, also being the girls that we are, we took longer to get ready then planned. And so it was in the dark that we began our trek up into the neighborhood of Pedegral towards Villa Clara Vista.
As we passed the guard gate and started winding up steep cobble stone streets, we began getting a little nervous. We had no idea what to expect. But after we wound higher and higher into the mountains, with the taxi driving second-guessing each turn onto every unmarked street, our nerves increased. Thoughts of “I wonder if people will still be swimming,” and “I wonder if we’ll be dressed appropriately,” turned to questions of “I wonder where this place is,” and “how will we get a cab out when we want to leave.” And as we continued to pass cliff-side mansions, questions of “How will we walk back down the mountain in our CFM heels if we can’t get a taxi? What if these guys are going to be mean and hurt us? What if this party is full of serious drug use that makes us uncomfortable?” We laughed these thoughts off, each of us ignoring the fact that we were doing all those things our mothers told us not to do, and pressed on towards this elusive Clara Vista. Eventually, the road stopped in front of a large white house that showed no signs of a party. We decided two of us should stay with the taxi—in case the party was lame or unsafe—and two should go investigate. The buddy system helps fend off people who want to harm the innocent, right? So Babydoll went (because she was the connection to this party), and Y volunteered I go with her since my non-speaking Spanish ways were of no use in the taxi. I reluctantly agreed and followed Babydoll out into the driveway. We walked closer to the front doors, which were open, and saw that there were a couple of guys sitting on a couch inside watching TV and beyond that a few people in a pool. Not the size of a “flier” party but enough for us to think maybe something social is going on…As we got closer, I got more nervous and slowed down and crouching behind Babydoll. She noticed this and with a frustrated hand wave behind the back said in her most stern voice, “Walk closer!” I said okay but proceeded to still scurry along ducking several feet behind her. I have to give Babydoll props though—when she got to the front door, she walked right in and calmly asked for B. Without her to shield me from the scary boys, I sort of jumped to the side of the path in the grass, and only went into the house after guilt set in that I let her go alone. The boys started yelling for B and then Babydoll walked off towards where he was, leaving me exposed to all these unknown guys. I decided now was the perfect opportunity to go update Y and CH in the taxi on the situation and walked out.
When I got back to the taxi I was greeted by wide-eyed, head-shaking versions of CH and Y quietly saying, “We don’t want to go in.” I didn’t know what to do…I was scared and they were scared. I didn’t want to leave the sanctuary our taxi had become but I knew that Babydoll was in there with B. Fortunately, I didn’t have to make a decision. Babydoll and B came out. He asked how we all were and when he said that they were all planning on leaving to go to the bars in town soon, this somehow made us feel better. At least enough to leave the confines of the taxi anyway. Once again, we didn’t listen to the words of our mothers. We reluctantly said good-bye to our only method of getting back to the outside world and walked into the home of these strangers.
(due to the graphical nature of this post, the content is spread across three different entries)
Aside from one small glitch (Y not getting on her flight—though it was not her fault), the first day of our trip was remarkably smooth. Our flights were all mainly on time, we found each other at the airport easily, we got a taxi and found the hotel without any problems, and we checked in without them questioning the number of people in the room (our reservation was for 2). Our hotel was beautiful and appropriately luxurious. Our room was located feet from the pool (and more importantly the pool bar), and we spent that afternoon eating quesadillas and pina colodas in the sun. In the early evening, we went back o the room, got ready to go out, and waited for Y to arrive. She got in a little late but was ready to go quickly after her arrival. We grabbed a great dinner in Cabo of—get this, quesadillas and mixed drinks—and then we were off. We started in CaboWabo, had about 6 shots of rum each then went to Squid Row where the real Cabo debauchery was. It was a fun night, full of drinking, dancing, laughing, flirting, and meeting boys. We laughed about silly boy challenges we created for each other and at the boys we met and their corresponding nicknames (Greyhound, Anna-from-New-York guy, etc.), then we went back to the hotel around 3:30. Because there was no available Jack in the Box or Rocky Cola Café in sight, we ended the night by raiding the mini bar. And so it was with bellies full of Pringles, M&Ms and Cheese-ums that we drifted off to sleep that first night...basically the perfect Cabo day, right? How could it get any better, you might ask? Well, it does.
So Babydoll met a guy that night. Let’s call him B. He was part of a group she and I had been eyeing for awhile during one part of the night in Squid Row. He had invited all of us to come to a party he and his friends were having the next night. In fact, he gave us this flier for the party:

The party sounded fun—lots of people at a big house in the mountains. Why wouldn’t we go? And so the next morning, we woke up at noon, managed to have a lunch NOT consisting of quesadillas, and lounged around in the sun. The flier said the party started at 6:30 and was a pool party. We planned on being fashionably late (about an hour) and since we weren’t up for any of this pool non-sense—being girls who planned on going out after the party, swimming there just didn’t fit in with our schedule—we started getting ready about 6:30 or so. But, also being the girls that we are, we took longer to get ready then planned. And so it was in the dark that we began our trek up into the neighborhood of Pedegral towards Villa Clara Vista.
As we passed the guard gate and started winding up steep cobble stone streets, we began getting a little nervous. We had no idea what to expect. But after we wound higher and higher into the mountains, with the taxi driving second-guessing each turn onto every unmarked street, our nerves increased. Thoughts of “I wonder if people will still be swimming,” and “I wonder if we’ll be dressed appropriately,” turned to questions of “I wonder where this place is,” and “how will we get a cab out when we want to leave.” And as we continued to pass cliff-side mansions, questions of “How will we walk back down the mountain in our CFM heels if we can’t get a taxi? What if these guys are going to be mean and hurt us? What if this party is full of serious drug use that makes us uncomfortable?” We laughed these thoughts off, each of us ignoring the fact that we were doing all those things our mothers told us not to do, and pressed on towards this elusive Clara Vista. Eventually, the road stopped in front of a large white house that showed no signs of a party. We decided two of us should stay with the taxi—in case the party was lame or unsafe—and two should go investigate. The buddy system helps fend off people who want to harm the innocent, right? So Babydoll went (because she was the connection to this party), and Y volunteered I go with her since my non-speaking Spanish ways were of no use in the taxi. I reluctantly agreed and followed Babydoll out into the driveway. We walked closer to the front doors, which were open, and saw that there were a couple of guys sitting on a couch inside watching TV and beyond that a few people in a pool. Not the size of a “flier” party but enough for us to think maybe something social is going on…As we got closer, I got more nervous and slowed down and crouching behind Babydoll. She noticed this and with a frustrated hand wave behind the back said in her most stern voice, “Walk closer!” I said okay but proceeded to still scurry along ducking several feet behind her. I have to give Babydoll props though—when she got to the front door, she walked right in and calmly asked for B. Without her to shield me from the scary boys, I sort of jumped to the side of the path in the grass, and only went into the house after guilt set in that I let her go alone. The boys started yelling for B and then Babydoll walked off towards where he was, leaving me exposed to all these unknown guys. I decided now was the perfect opportunity to go update Y and CH in the taxi on the situation and walked out.
When I got back to the taxi I was greeted by wide-eyed, head-shaking versions of CH and Y quietly saying, “We don’t want to go in.” I didn’t know what to do…I was scared and they were scared. I didn’t want to leave the sanctuary our taxi had become but I knew that Babydoll was in there with B. Fortunately, I didn’t have to make a decision. Babydoll and B came out. He asked how we all were and when he said that they were all planning on leaving to go to the bars in town soon, this somehow made us feel better. At least enough to leave the confines of the taxi anyway. Once again, we didn’t listen to the words of our mothers. We reluctantly said good-bye to our only method of getting back to the outside world and walked into the home of these strangers.
(due to the graphical nature of this post, the content is spread across three different entries)
Reading this makes me want to go back again! =)
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