Saturday, May 21, 2005

Some notes on the contest...

One more thing...since that last post is part of the competition, you might want to read the other contestant's entries. I won't make you do it, because I am a nice blog-owner, but if you would like to understand what I am up against, please visit the links on the side-bar. You might notice that in their competitive posts, they included links to all of our blogs. I don't know how to do that, so while I am not forcing you to read the entries from the Napper and the Wombat, I am making you work harder to find their links. Sorry about that. It will make you stronger people though.

YN: I see that gauntlet you've thrown and am throwing one right back at you. But, my guantlet is a little late...

CH: LOVED how you included quotes from our past entries. Good research and evidence-use.


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