Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Operation TDG Barista

I did it! I gave the "I think you're cute" note to my TDG barista! I had the perfect opportunity on Friday to give it, but I chickened out. I had a decent opportunity to give it to him yesterday, via another barista, but wimped out again. So finally today I decided I would do it no matter what. Ironically, today is the worse I've looked in a long time....but I didn't care. Things began smoothly. There was no long line today, and in fact no one was waiting on the hidden side of TDG. When I pulled up, guess who was there ready to take my order?? The barista. All the signs were pointing towards going forward with Operation Barista.

We said "Hi" and I told him my order. He seemed kind of sleepy as he went off to make it, and when he came back with it he said something cute about him being out of it and double checked that he made the right thing (he had). This is where things got tricky....

Normally, I hand my money and my frequent buyer card at the same time but the plan today was to first take care of payment. He'd hand me my change, then I'd hand him my card. Then when he handed my card back to me, I would take advantage of the exchange and smoothly hand him over the note. I was about to hand my change and begin the well-planned sequence of events when the other barista (a girl there who I also know) intervened by asking if I'd sign a petition related to their drive-thru. I said sure, grimacing internally. The petition was passed to me right before the cash exchange, slightly thwarting my strategy. I took it in stride though. I signed it and handed it back, THEN handed my barista the money. He gave me my change, then I handed him the card. While he was stamping the card, I got the note ready, took my car out of park and poised myself for a quick get-away. I was nervous and didn't want to hang around for him to read the note! As he handed the card back to me, I started to hand him the note, but then he started some small talk! He said "So do you have anything fun planned for the day or just work?" This took me off guard. Chit-chat was not a part of Operation Barista. I would like to say I handled this little glitch smoothly, but I did not. I was nervous and distracted, so in chopping language I said "Oh, yeah, just work." Then I quickly gave him the note and said, "This is for you." I gave him a big goofy smile (it was meant to be sweet/sexy but it think it was more cartoon character-esque), and then I drove away. Quickly. I'm talking rubber marks on the driveway. Now the big challenge will be going back there on Friday morning to face him...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe he'll hand you a note on friday!

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's gs co-worker of ka and fan of ml :)

you're blog is my new favorite tv show (okay, i lied second fav... no one can take my veronica's place, i love her so).

but what is best about the ml show is i get a new episode everyday! and i can't wait for friday's show, the suspense is killing me.

best of luck w/ tdg barista! my fingers are crossed for you (or that you'll at least get some good action out of it!)

11:02 AM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

Thanks GS! I am excited about Friday too....

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was pretty awesome.

9:15 AM  

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