Friday, May 06, 2005

Tofu-obia and other Annoyances

Today I am annoyed at many things. I am annoyed at people that judge, I am annoyed at co-workers, and I am annoyed at friends who are self-centered and very rarely seem interested in what's going on with me or my life, even a little. I don't require a lot of attention, in fact, I generally prefer to not talk too deeply about how I'm really doing with most people. I prefer surface-y conversations when it comes to this. So when a friend doesn't even ask or listen about the surface stuff, that makes me sad.

Also, I'm scared of Tofu. I am a vegetarian (again) and I am a fan of non-meat meat products (meatless meatballs, garden burgers, etc.) I realize that because I like this sort of food, I am eating a lot of soy. And I do realize that soy milk is used to create bean curd, which in turn is tofu. But "bean curd" scares me--both the concept of it and the name. And tofu looks scary! All gelatin-like and mushy, and served in squares...ick. I like to try new foods, new music, experience new cultures and travel to new places. I think maybe even more than the average Southern Californian...but last night I discovered that I draw the line when it comes to tofu. I was at Trader Joes and I was craving a vegetable dish I used to make with turkey or chicken sausage. I came across some Tofurkey Sausage and tried to buy it. REALLY, I tried to pick it up and put it in my cart, and then go home and eat it. But I couldn't! I couldn't handle the Tofurkey!!!

Hide soy products in my veggie burgers, sneak it into a meat-less corn dog, but don't give it to me in a square or in something called "tofurkey."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, this is KA's coworker, KQ. Thanks for letting me and GS read your blog. It's HILARIOUS. I just bought these veggie chicken nuggets called "Chik 'N Nuggets." Clever. No mention of tofu! I'll try 'em and let you know if they're any good. :)

12:42 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

Thanks for the suggestion and thanks for reading. I think I've had those chicken nuggets and they're good! You're right, no mention of tofu, which makes it safe. ; )

1:53 PM  

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