Thursday, May 05, 2005

Just like a What?

So the other day I was listening to a Tori Amos cover of Madonna's "Just Like a Prayer." The Madonna version originally came out a long time ago. I was probably 10. At that time I was a big fan of Madonna's but didn't really understand a lot of the sexual controversy surrounding much of her music. For example: I DID know what a virgin was, but I DIDN'T understand what "being touched for the first time" really implied. Maybe I was naive but in my defense I was only 10 years old, I had only been living back in the US for a year (I was out of touch with American culture), AND I was going to the world's smallest catholic school. All I knew was that this particular song was by Madonna (who I liked), it was about prayer (which is good!), and the video had burning crosses in it. If I was aware of any related controversy, I linked it to those burning crosses, 'cause, that's just got to be bad, right?

It wasn't until I heard the Tori Amos version on Saturday that it started to dawn on me just what this song may actually be about. Here is a particularly telling line from the song: "I'm down on my knees, I want to take you there."

She also says "In the midnight hour, I can feel your power." Whatever experience she's singing about--whomever she's feeling power from and kneeling in front of-- she's calling it "religious."

I am now 26, I am no longer in Catholic school, and I am fully integrated into American culture. I'm gonna venture to guess that just MAYBE, this song isn't about praying.


Blogger Y. said...

Wait. What is this now? You're telling me Madonna has suggestive lyrics?! I feel so deceived. =(

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ever hear what the guys in Reservoir Dogs said about this song? They thought that the guy's "thing" was so big, it was like she was a virgin because it was so painful.

That would be the difference between a young Catholic girl and Quentin Tarantino.

For the record, I wasn't even allowed to listen to Madonna songs. That's how Catholic and naive my family and school life were at that time.

2:30 PM  

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