The General's Challenges
Barista G called last night and we talked for a half hour. He is nice and sweet. I can see us at least being friends. I think he's 24 or 25, but I didn't come out and ask. So worse case scenario, he's two years younger than me which isn't so bad since I am 26 and ignoring the fact that I am almost 27. And regardless, he falls under "policy" and that means we can kick it, to use a little Tribe Called Quest terminology (it's playing right now).
My roommate (MC, aka General C--the "general" is part of a group joke and another topic to post on one day. I'm part of an "army". I am Lieutenant L), helped me figure out what his height may be last night. We determined that he is probably just barely taller than me. I am 5'7 so he is probably 5'8 or 5'9. Which is not as tall as I'd like--because I like heels!--but it is not too bad. I will wear flats when we hang out.
So we have a date set for Thursday. We're going to do dinner and to a local bar. He said we'd play pool. I pretended I was okay with pool because everyone in the whole world likes it but me, and long time ago I came to terms with the fact that I'd have to get over that. Just because it's a "fun" way to pass the time with friends in a bar. My friend from work, KL, went to check him out this morning and she agreed that he's probably 24-25, probably 5'8 or 5'9, cute and nice. I'm glad someone else agrees.
General C and I used to have a weekly challenge when it came to flirting and dating. It was meant to encourage us to be more brave and to meet new guys. If we didn't complete said challenges by a certain date, we owed $$$$. One week we had to smile at a guy. The next week we had to start a conversation. Then flirt, and so on. The challenges stopped because the General recently became attached. She's dating a lovely guy we sometimes refer to as OOBF (seriously, he's really cool. I knew him before I knew her and I sort of helped get them together!). In light of recent WBF and Barista events, "The Challenges" have been resurrected, but just for me.
So last night General C gave me the following challenges for the week.
Tuesday: Lay low and relish in the positive outcomes from Monday with both WBF and Barista G.
Wednesday: Get coffee and finalize details with Barista G on Thursday date. Strike up a meaningful conversation with WBF.
Thursday: "Run into" WBF and bring up weekend plans. Try to work in Friday's HB evening and see if he'll be around. Casually invite him. Go on date with Barista G.
Friday: Get Coffee (if date went well). Work further to meet up with WBF that evening. If the Thursday challenge was not successful, break "the rules" and call him casually while out at bar.
So this is what I've got to do this week. I don't think I owe money if I fail in my mission, but really, I'm the only one who loses if I chicken out. So I must persevere!
Fashion Theme of the Week: I was going to do a monochromatic theme, but I've resorted to an easier theme of wearing something each day that I haven't worn in a long time. It feels kind of like a cop-out, because it's easier, but next week I'll do monochromatic stuff.
Summer '05 Goal: I want to be able to do the splits by the end of the summer. I've been doing yoga now since October and have improved. But now, it's time to get serious. This is a goal for Miss JH too. Maybe the buddy-system will make us more effective.
My roommate (MC, aka General C--the "general" is part of a group joke and another topic to post on one day. I'm part of an "army". I am Lieutenant L), helped me figure out what his height may be last night. We determined that he is probably just barely taller than me. I am 5'7 so he is probably 5'8 or 5'9. Which is not as tall as I'd like--because I like heels!--but it is not too bad. I will wear flats when we hang out.
So we have a date set for Thursday. We're going to do dinner and to a local bar. He said we'd play pool. I pretended I was okay with pool because everyone in the whole world likes it but me, and long time ago I came to terms with the fact that I'd have to get over that. Just because it's a "fun" way to pass the time with friends in a bar. My friend from work, KL, went to check him out this morning and she agreed that he's probably 24-25, probably 5'8 or 5'9, cute and nice. I'm glad someone else agrees.
General C and I used to have a weekly challenge when it came to flirting and dating. It was meant to encourage us to be more brave and to meet new guys. If we didn't complete said challenges by a certain date, we owed $$$$. One week we had to smile at a guy. The next week we had to start a conversation. Then flirt, and so on. The challenges stopped because the General recently became attached. She's dating a lovely guy we sometimes refer to as OOBF (seriously, he's really cool. I knew him before I knew her and I sort of helped get them together!). In light of recent WBF and Barista events, "The Challenges" have been resurrected, but just for me.
So last night General C gave me the following challenges for the week.
Tuesday: Lay low and relish in the positive outcomes from Monday with both WBF and Barista G.
Wednesday: Get coffee and finalize details with Barista G on Thursday date. Strike up a meaningful conversation with WBF.
Thursday: "Run into" WBF and bring up weekend plans. Try to work in Friday's HB evening and see if he'll be around. Casually invite him. Go on date with Barista G.
Friday: Get Coffee (if date went well). Work further to meet up with WBF that evening. If the Thursday challenge was not successful, break "the rules" and call him casually while out at bar.
So this is what I've got to do this week. I don't think I owe money if I fail in my mission, but really, I'm the only one who loses if I chicken out. So I must persevere!
Fashion Theme of the Week: I was going to do a monochromatic theme, but I've resorted to an easier theme of wearing something each day that I haven't worn in a long time. It feels kind of like a cop-out, because it's easier, but next week I'll do monochromatic stuff.
Summer '05 Goal: I want to be able to do the splits by the end of the summer. I've been doing yoga now since October and have improved. But now, it's time to get serious. This is a goal for Miss JH too. Maybe the buddy-system will make us more effective.
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