Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Geekiest Challenge Yet

You may have noticed that my blog has a new look. I am quite pleased with it. Hope you like it too! Other physical blog'll notice that I have now linked two of my friend's blogs in the sidebar. This is related to another challenge of sorts, that I will explain below.

But first, I must give updates on the boy challenges for the day. Today's challenges were to get coffee from Barista G (which, isn't so challenging really...) and to strike up a meaningful conversation with WBF. I can say that I have successfully completed my first mission but that I must post-pone the second one. WBF is out today! It actually makes me really sad....I guess I like having him around.

Here's the report on coffee challenge: I pulled up to TDG and saw Barista G right away. He was helping a walk-in customer on the other side of the shop. He seemed super busy but when he saw me, he ran over to say hi and ask what I wanted. He remembered what I always ordered, which I think is cool. Not because of him but because that officially makes me a "regular." When he gave me my drink, he wouldn't let me pay for it. Which was nice and sweet. We had talked the other night about how I always come during his busiest times so he can never really chat with me. So this morning he said, "See? You always come when we're our busiest." He had to run back in, and we said we'd talk later. I'm supposed to call to organize details for tomorrow. I wonder where he'll want to go eat or if he'll leave it up to me. He doesn't know I'm a vegetarian yet....

So the free coffee thing worries me a little. Not because it was free--I'm not one to turn down a cool thing without paying--but because it makes me a little leery about the outcome of whatever this barista thing will be. When it all falls apart, whether it's just one date or a longer period of dating, I don't want to lose "rights" to TDG. And since he is the manager and since he works there (and has the power to give free drinks), he will probably claim it as his territory. And that sucks.

I have some other topics I thought would be fun to discuss as posts either today or later this week, but a new challenge has developed among my "blogging" friends that will have to post-pone such ideas. Y thought it would be fun, and CH and I agreed--because we're nerds--to have a "blog posting challenge." I know, I know...I should get out a pocket protector. But little challenges are fun, right? (nods head enthusiastically)

So by Friday, we each are going to post on our first group blog challenge. The topic this week is: blogging--what we like about it, why we do it, how we decide what to post, etc. I am not feeling all that confident that I will win. Y is the funniest friend I have. But then again...she is a lawyer so I have time on my side (just because I work less). CH on the other hand always brings in interesting, world-relevant topics that drive me to do things like think about reading the Economist. Each of our blogs are different, so it will be interesting (and geeky) to see how this unfolds.

If you're interested in reading their blogs, please refer to the links on the sidebar. The Wombat is CH's (she also named her blog after an animal). Y's official blog title is about napping, because it's something she excels at. But I've listed her link as "like the Japanese currency." Anyone who knows her will understand that.


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