Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Dream a Little Dream of....Chicken??

I've been having dreams about chickens lately. Well, actually, I had a dream on Friday night about a rooster and a chicken coming through the window while I slept, and then last night I had a dream (or maybe it actually happened?) that our neighbor was watching TV REALLY loudly at 4am. Someone in whatever he was watching kept saying something about a chicken. On top of these recurring fowl themes, I had lots of trouble sleeping the last few nights--there was a great deal of tossing and turning--and the few nights prior to that I slept so deeply that when I woke up I was disoriented. So much so that I had those panicky moments of "where am I? what day is it? Am I late for work?"

Something is up. I wonder if Mercury is retrograde.

So I decided to look up what "chickens" symbolize in dreams. According to and their dream dictionary, to dream of chicken related things may mean one of the following:

Timidity, fear, backing out, chickening out
-Somebody young, inexperienced or unsophisticated, a spring chicken
-Counting on something prematurely, counting your chickens before they hatch
-Something that cannot function independently, a chicken and egg situation

A Rooster dream could symbolize....
-Being in charge or dominating, ruling the roost
-Banking on a loser, betting on a lame rooster

So these dreams could mean I am scared, inexperienced, thinking too far ahead and dependent upon a loser. OR, it could just mean I am once again a frustrated vegetarian with carnivorous cravings.


Blogger Y. said...

Yum. Chicken.

I think I could become a vegetarian too if Chicken were a vegetable! =)

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read an interesting article on it I would like to share with you...

11:44 AM  

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