Upon entering Clara Vista, the first things I noticed were white marble floors, white vaulted ceilings, large open French doors, and an infinity pool out on the deck overlooking all of Cabo, the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific. Yes, it was quite breathtaking but nothing compared to what was IN the pool. Swimming in the pool were 12 men. 12 men, each and every one of them HOT. They were just swimming, and having a good time, being all hot. And there were no other woman in sight. As someone coined it later in the night, it was like MAN SOUP.
Now, this made me feel a little out of place. Not because I’m not a man, but because I’m not used to being surrounded by all that hotness. I literally didn’t know what to do. I tried to act cool and followed the group further into the house when one of the hot guys took off his board-shorts and threw them at our feet. Now one of the hot men were naked. I started blushing and I couldn’t look up at them. We then walked into the kitchen where 4 or 5 other hot men were making drinks. They made us one and there were introductions all around. I took a sip from my margarita, noticed someone walking in from the pool area and turned around. The NAKED one was walking towards us. Still naked. This time, I didn’t act cool. I said “oh my god!” out loud and covered my face. Literally. But I couldn’t not look for long…I looked back in time to see that this Adonis had a backside that gave Brad Pitt’s physique in Fight Club a run for his money. Seriously. I’m glad I looked.
After recovering from this, one of the guys gave us a tour of the house. The house was gorgeous! Everything about this was strange so far—not only were the men hot and without other women, but we were all in a gorgeous mansion perched upon a mountaintop with them. And maybe the strangest thing yet, these guys all come from So Cal and they were actually nice. Yes! They were HOT, NICE, Guys from So Cal. Those words do not often go together in a sentence. We were left with only one question…WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!?!
After a while a couple more groups of girls came to the party, but the man: woman ration remained in our favor. Later a few more people came including B’s guy friends from the LBC, P and S. An hour or so beyond that, we began taking taxis down to our Cabo Mecca, Squid Row. Despite all the hot guys at the party, there was one in particular that I hung out with more that night. B’s friend P. In fact, once getting down into town, Babydoll and B, P and I, Y, CH, S and a few others hung out together for most of the night. P ended up being pretty nice and we decided to all hang out together the next day. He said he’d pick us up and we’d go hang out at this cool beach he knew about between Cabo and San Jose del Cabo. We thought this was a great idea, and for some reason we thought it was also a good idea to give P an extra key card to our hotel room (what was that about ignoring the things our mothers told us?). Of course this was after having about five Jell-O shots, and honestly what doesn’t sound like a good idea after five shots of vodka-spiked gelatin? The night carried on with the standard amounts of dancing, drinking, flirting, etc. and a group of us ended back up at Clara Vista for a moonlight swim over the fine town of Cabo.
The next morning, we woke up around noon, had a lunch of quesadillas (see a pattern?) and worked hard to create the perfect poolside umbrella-covered haven (some of us were sunburned) where we planned to sit the rest of the day doing what we were best at, nothing. At around 2pm P called. I was surprised to hear from him at all, and even more surprised that he had not only remembered all the plans we had made for that day, but that he had actually gone about all morning action upon them. Boys that do what they say they’re going to do? Boys that PLAN things?? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? P said he’d pick all of us up in about a half hour. He said to be ready for swimming in the pool/beach but to bring stuff to go to dinner and out that night too. Being girls, this wasn’t as easy as it sounds. After much inter-group consultation we managed to collect our necessary stuff, pick out our best outfits, and be ready in time.
P and B picked us up and swept us off to the Cabo Surf Hotel.
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