Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Second Date and No Pizookie*

So I had my second date with Barista G last night. I was not excited about it but decided (after much nudging from friends) to give him a second chance. Both of us were tired after long days at work and didn't have much energy, so we just went for dinner at BJs.

Things went smoothly. I got a great parking spot and got to the restaurant first (I prefer being the one waiting for things like this...then I control the greeting a little bit more). He acted as though he wanted to hug or kiss when he saw me, so I quickly ended that nonsense with some non-verbal communication. And by that I mean, I turned away and asked for a table. (See? My degree IS useful!)

Dinner was uneventful except for that I realized during it why I don't like him. Sure, he's nice and friendly and confident in his work setting, but overall outside of work, he is awkward and not the best conversationalist. It could be because he's nervous, but aside from all that we don't have a lot to talk about. We have some similar dreams and hobbies, but we're at very different places in life. Those are the main reasons. But once I decided this, I could start focusing on some smaller, very insignificant reasons we should not date. Here are two of them:

1) He didn't order a pizookie. I think he just doesn't like sweets! And while that is definitely not a deal-breaker, once the deal is already decidedly broken, "liking desserts" becomes a more significant standard.

2) After noticing my shivering, goose-pimply skin and clattering teeth, he didn't shut the window right behind us. This is less of a big deal, as perhaps he thought that would be unfair to the other consumers (who were maybe still hot even after the A/C, fans and cool ocean breezes blew tempests through the restaurant). But, once again, we're analyzing non-deal-breaking things in light of the fact that the deal was already broken.

After dinner he walked me to my car. Upon approaching the vehicle I realized we were coming up to that awkward good-bye moment. But I escaped it by jetting quickly to sanctuary of the busy street and avoiding what could have been a more safe, side-walk smooch.

I was home by 9:30 (yippee!) and didn't get coffee this morning (at least, not from him). But I did get a text message from him after the date saying "You looked hot tonight. I liked your earrings. Sorry I forgot to mention it."

Ahhh...he's sweet. But not for me. Now no one can say I didn't give him a shot though. I'm continuing the move forward on my unofficial campaign to date a nice guy.

*for those of you who are not familiar with a pizookie (pizza + cookie), it would behoove you to discover it's magic. The pizookie is my manna. It has come to symbolize all that is good in the world. It is a marriage of half-baked cookie dough served right out of the oven in a deep-dish pizza pan and covered with bountiful scoops of gourmet vanilla-bean ice cream. Need I say more?


Blogger vitamin g said...

sorry things didn't work out with barista g, you're mr right is out there somewhere!

and yes, the wonderous pizookie...i wonder how many points that thing is! mmmm now i want one. darn you ml and your discussion of delicious baked pizza like goods.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

Yum. Pizookie. *drool*

Oh, wait. Was there something about a date in this post? I got distracted by visions of dancing pizookies...

7:07 PM  

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