Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Vitamin G and Y

Hey, what's going on with you two? You're like best blog friends. You're always commenting on each others' blogs, leaving funny little messages here and there about exotic burns and expensive shoes...It's good that KA and myself brought you two together!

To anyone who didn't believe it, good can come from vapid pursuits like writing about boys, shoes, and weekly fashion themes. Barriers are crossed, degrees un-separated, friendships made. It almost brings a tear to my eye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know! how cute are they! Today at lunch G was telling tragic Prada shoe story....he commented that "Y" would appreciate it.


2:56 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

Aww, I'm honored to have been mentioned!

I like Vitamin G, especially when it comes to his support of my burgeoning shoe-addiction! =)

3:03 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

Addendum: In a stroke of coincidence, when I wrote my post this morning, the thought crossed my mind that "Vitamin G and my friend EC will be happy for me. Some of my friends will be saddened. And most will probably not care." =)

3:11 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

yes, new year's 2005 i went to NY and on new year's eve i bought myself of very expensive pair of coach shoes (though i have paid more for shoes since then). i made the huge mistake of wearing them to the new year's party we went to. alcohol all over them. it was some weird blue mixed drink that stained the suede of the shoes horribly, i wanted to cry (had they been prada i would have curled up into the fetal position and cried, loudly, tantrum loud.) so the next morning (though not really coherent) i went and purchased the exact same pair of shoes, though of course i had bought the last pair the day before! but they arrived a week later at my door and i was happy once again!

and yes, blogs can help make friends, y and i are a great example of how two shallow (but beautiful and intelligent!) people can find each other in the vast blog world. or was it the shoes that brought us together? oh wise shoe gods i thank you for loving me so!

one of these days we'll have to have a blog party and actually meet eachother... i haven't even met ml!

4:27 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

btw, we are so cute, it's vomit inducing.

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i just threw up a little in my mouth. ;)

8:11 PM  

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