Tuesday, June 20, 2006

J and the Confused Bird

Due to the fact that I sit at my desk working most afternoons and late into most evenings, here are two new things I've learned:

1) J, the little boy who lives directly across from our apartment, plays with his dad every evening around 6:30 pm. He gets his bath at 7pm. His father sometimes uses the bath as a threat to keep him in line. They play a lot of boy games, and sometimes J is a big fat loser about it. I'm not sure how much I like J. It kind of makes me wonder how much I really like kids in general. I used to like kids...now I just hope that I like my own one day.

2) At 12:30 AM each night, there is some variety of bird that starts chirping loudly. Yes, the early bird catches the worm and all that, but at 12:30 AM? I like birds okay...and their chirping does bring about a certain chipper background noise to daily living. But when I am up working late I don't want to be thinking about the fact that it is morning for this little, happy, worm-hungry bird. At what point does "early" become "late"? Maybe this bird is confused.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A noise machine works wonders. We too had birds singing about 2:00am, but now, the waterfalls works wonders.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen that movie Failure to Launch? If you haven't, you should check it out...I'm sure you will enjoy the annoying bird scenes!

1:52 AM  

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