Monday, June 19, 2006

When Trees Attack

My weekend...bulletized.

  • I went to a new local bar on Friday night where I was taller than almost everyone there.
  • I ran into a tree while I was walking and talking to a group of friends. I blame the city for putting a tree there.
  • I went to a wedding reception on Saturday. I feel guilty admitting this, but It was kind of boring.
  • My car got keyed. I'm very angry and it makes me even more tired of the Solara. I want a new car!
  • I studied at the beach. I didn't get much done but I enjoyed staring up at the blue sky filled with one teeny tiny wispy cloud. I tried to stop complaining in my head about how hot it was and just appreciate that I could be on the beach studying. Someone somewhere was no doubt suffering from less then perfect weather. I need to be respectful of their situation.
  • I consumed more of my LF peanut butter and no-sugar-added-apricot-jam combo. God, it's the perfect desert! It's just tough balancing both containers on your lap.
  • I studied a lot...but I enjoyed it. Sort of. Now I "get" those people who get all consumed with what they do. I fear that I will become one. I think that may have been why I was bored at the wedding. My mind was elsewhere. And I didn't mind it.
  • I bought PopTarts! There's nothing bad about frosted pastries filled with gooey fruity filling! Cheers for pop-tart-y fun!
  • I cleaned the house like a mad woman. I had a big test to study for, so clearly, cleaning the house was crucial.
  • I became more addicted to House. It makes it extra fun that I know what they're talking about now. Of course, it only feeds my current all-consuming obsession with all things medicine.
  • I told a woman at the wedding that she shouldn't try and pet the squirrels in her backyard because they can be carriers of the plague. She thought I was joking. And then everyone at the table thought I was joking. So they joked about it by grabbing their necks and attempting to act out what they must have thought were plague symptoms. I wasn't joking though, and their pretend symptoms were wrong. I gave a polite chuckle anyway.


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