Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sharp Pencils

Today for the first time in years, I found myself using a pencil sharpener to sharpen a colored pencil. It was strange having to get up during lab time, find the contraption, adjust the opening so that it fit my pencil and then stand there turning the little thing around and around until my "sea-foam green" Crayola had a nice fine point on it. And then, I got to blow the sharpening dust off of it. I felt like I was 5. Other than using a hand-held sharpener thing for my eye-liner, I haven't sharpened a pencil like that in forever. I guess it's just like riding a bike...


Blogger HB said...

I loved sharpening my pencil! I can almost smell the freshly ground wood with the hint of metallic from the lead wafting up to my nose. Thanks for bringing that fun memory back to me.

4:58 PM  

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