Friday, June 09, 2006

Detachment is Bliss

This explains how I feel a lot of the time.

It even explains how I feel now. Just a little bit. Just because the stress of this darn class.

But, TGIF baby!

Things are good in THIS minute because I had a test today, I did well, and I have two days (two blessed 24 hour periods) ahead of me with which to get four lab reports done and study for another test on Monday. And 48 hours is 4X more time than what I had last night and the night before to do the same amount of work.

And so I am celebrating by sipping me some toffee nut latte at work where life is incredibly easy, unstressful, full of time to email and most importantly, void of inoculations, incubations and Latin terms for various Bacteria.


Blogger Eva said...

i think i used something like a warm latte to get me through too. enjoy your bacteria! :) ~eva

9:20 PM  

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