Wednesday, June 14, 2006

You're Stupid, Stupid

I love my brother and I love the way we interact. We're still very playful and tease one another all the time, and being around him makes me act younger. Even the insults now are sort of fun. This is an example of how a typical insult conversation might go:

ML: "Hey butthead, I just made a stupid mistake on my test."
TL: "Well that was dumb, Fartknocker, why'd you do that?"
ML: "I don't know...I just got confused."
TL: "It's cause you're stupid, stupid*."
ML: "No, you're stupid, stupid."

When I was younger this wouldn't have been funny. But because I am all growed up, this reminds me of simpler times and always makes me laugh. It reminds me of big wheels and fighting over my doll Pepe. It reminds me of building forts in the family room out of sheets and TV trays and then camping out in it. It reminds me of the times we would try to sneak him into my room at night so we could tell stories instead of sleep. We cleverly did this by stuffing him into the 12" space between the wall and the bed, and then camouflaging him in a heap of stuffed animals. It was not enough to hide him from the keen and watchful eyes of my parents though.

Yes, I miss those times. But I'm still glad we can keep them alive through our mature and witty banter.

*For those who don't know, th
at clever insulting technique (where you say someone is something and than end the comment by calling them that very thing) comes from Petrie in the Land Before Time. Which was the best movie ever...when I was 11.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insulting technique you're talking about? : My brother at age 12: you are pretty. Me: Thanks! My brother: pretty ugly!
My brother two seconds later: you are funny. Me (three seconds later, forgot what just happened): Thanks! My brother: Funny looking!

6:46 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

ahh the land before time... i remember screaming crying to the babysitter TURN IT OFF, TURN I OFF... it was so sad... poopyhead.

11:10 AM  

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