Friday, June 16, 2006

Did You Know?

I have a very keen eye for spotting bugs. If there's a bug in the room, I'll notice it almost immediately. This is also true for anything that is out of place in a room I am familiar with. It's a part of my anal side. And "anal" means charming right?

If you give me something to hold when I am out drinking, I will hold it all night. I will (generally) not lose it or put it down. A couple of my friends in college noticed this skill and took advantage. But I don't mind. I do what I can.

I have only received four parking tickets in my life. Three of them have happened in the last six months. One was from last week. The rate at which I get parking tickets has now almost become exponential. I'm obviously becoming a slacker.

Water is my favorite drink. I am not picky about it (except I don't like the taste of Arrowhead) and I drink lots of it. Even before I go to bed at night. My college roommate used to call me the Camel for this reason. In fact, I once left a slumber party when I was 5 because they wouldn't let me have a glass of water before bed. The mother said, "No honey, you can't drink that before you sleep because you'll wet the bed." My indiginant five year old self said, "I can too and I don't wet the bed." When she didn't believe me and didn't get me the water, I told her I was going to go home. And I did. Don't mess with me and my water needs.


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