Monday, April 24, 2006

Marlin, Darlin'

Here's a little teaser related to my trip last week.

There was a big fishing tournament going on at our resort. The island we were at was very removed and very small. So the resort and the whole area really was overrun by rich, outdoors-y, yuppy deep-sea fisherman and their big, multimillion dollar fishing boats. There really were no women around. So even though we weren't necessarily into meeting these guys, they were kind of into meeting us.

Some of them actually took us out fishing one day.

And this is what I have to say about that group of people: It is a fascinating sub-culture that I feel is subconsciously focused on making men feel more manly. It's all about BIG powerful boats, with HUGE fishing rods propped up all over the back of the boat, "hunting" BIG powerful Marlin with BIG long bills that they cut off and keep later as a trophy.

'Cause you know, having a long marlin bill that you attained while sitting in your fishing chair that has big fishing rods sticking up from the middle-front (read: crotch area) of the seat can make a guy's pee-pee just a little bit bigger.

But I digress. The people we went out with (whom we lovingly nicknamed "The Boat People") were very nice and providing. I had fun with them!

More on the BPs and our other adventures to follow.


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