Thursday, April 06, 2006

Goodbye Nemesi*

This weekend I am going to see my old friend KC. We met about eight years ago and become close friends. It stayed that way through the end of college. But after that, she got into drugs and during those times, we practically lost contact all together. But now she's clean and pregnant and I'm going to see her this weekend for the first time since 2002!

Maybe because of this, or maybe because of something else, I've been oddly nostaligic. And this has inspired me to systematically go through old emails and contact people I haven't talked to in years. The funny thing is that this isn't limited to people I like. I am actually contacting people I had a falling out with too. I would say that I have had about 2-3 "nemeses" in my life, and I am slowly working my way through emailing all of them too. Today I emailed JF from my time in England. I literally said this:

"Hi JF. So this is probably a bit unexpected, but I wanted to email you and say hello. I know things ended strangely with us, and I apologize for my portion of all that. In light of X, I've thought back a lot on our times at X and I miss you. And since I won't be able to go to X, I thought I would try emailing. I would love to hear how you're doing. So, if you feel like it, write back."

(BTW, "X" stands for a detail that cannot be shared due to The Frog's confidentiality policy)

After that I contacted my friend VM to get the email for another nemisis from the past, JC. I am going to email her next. I'm not sure what to do about the last nemisis, KS. We'll see on that one...

Maybe this is about clearing the air over things that time has turned trivial. Or maybe this is about me facing big changes and "spring cleaning" to make way for new chapters. Or perhaps this is all about me preparing for the improved and wisened 28 year old version of ML, launching in August 2006.

*I know nemesi isn't a real word, but it feels like it could be an alternative to the actual plural version of nemisis. And, it happens to rhyme with good-bye. So I took the liberty of using it.


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