Friday, March 31, 2006

Smoke Detectors: There to Detect Smoke

So this morning when I was getting ready for work, I was using a flat-iron on my new bangs (they like to be curly). While ironing out any of the body still left in my hair, I was glancing through a catalogue. A few minutes into all of this, my cell phone rang. I put down the flat-iron and ran to see who it was. 'Cause, in my experience early morning calls are usually either bad news, OR it's someone (like the Evil Sith Lord) needing a ride to work.

The call wasn't a big deal but the conversation took a few minutes, and while on the phone, I had to go down-stairs to get something. When I was down there I noticed something that smelled like it was burning. I didn't think anything of it though, as I was focused on the conversation. But when I came back upstairs I noticed that the hot-iron-catalogue combo had started a little fire on our bathroom counter! And, since our fire alarm is unattached, no smoke detectors had alerted me of it! I sort of panicked for like a second and then did what I always see in the movies...grabbed towels and tried to snuff it out. I was able to stop it without much damage, but now the bathroom counter and all the towels that were hanging in the bathroom are ruined. Also, there are smoke stains on the sides of the walls/ceiling and possibly some damage to the paint (in some places it looks like it might have started to peel off).

In all the commotion (I guess I was yelling?), J from next door came over to help. He thought it was important to state the obvious: "Well this is gonna cost you. BH [landlady] will love this." Thanks J.

I will probably have to pay for pretty much an entire new bathroom, or at least new counters, new paint/cabinets and new towels. And in the process, I burned the side of my left pinky. It hurts a lot. Needless to say, it was not a good morning.

And this, my dear readers, is the first piece of fiction ever to be posted here on the Frog. Happy April 1st.

(there was no fire, but here is what's true about the above: we do not have our fire alarm working, I did burn the side of my pinky on the flat iron, and I did flat iron my bangs straight).


Blogger bemelodious said...

Much love to the Frog for tricking her roommate. Wow, am I gullible!

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah... you got me!


10:24 AM  
Blogger Y. said...

I too have been gotten. =)

10:29 AM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...


I got you all. Te he.

10:32 AM  
Blogger ka said...

totally got me too!! silly, tricky frog!!!

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't that morning cartoon rabbit teach you that "Tricks are for kids!"; I guess it was Trix and just a silly markeing ploy that ropes moms into buying sugary cereals, but I think somewhere in there is evidence of you still being a kid! You got me too...

12:04 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

sneaky frog, i was all ready to start donating to the new bathroom fund... or at least buy you a new smoke dector and some batteries. now, you shall get neither. good thinking doing it day early though, i have to give you credit for that.

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the anonymous unclaimed comment was from me HBo. Still trying to get the hang of the ins-n-outs of blogging.

12:22 PM  
Blogger bemelodious said...

Frog, today is MARCH 31, not April 1. Did you just trick us twice then?

1:00 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

Yes, that was part of it! If it did it tomorrow, 1) no one would read it until Monday and 2) everyone would expect a trick!

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got me too. I was already thinking i would give you the money, since your going to be broke soon. TLC

2:30 PM  

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